The Ainslie Football Club 1927 Foundation Team.
Photo taken outside the Northbourne Oval dressing rooms at the Semi-Final played on 27 August 1927.
On 30 March 1927 the Inaugural Meeting to discuss the formation of the Ainslie Football Club was held at the Ainslie Social Services Rooms. The Club was officially set in motion at the first General Meeting of the Club held on 7 April 1927. Mr McNamara was elected as President of the Club.
At the following Meeting on 28 April 1927 it was proposed by H Kilpatrick that the Club colours be Red, White and Black. The motion was carried and 24 jumpers were ordered.
List of Officials and Players of the club in 1927
- President: P.T McNamara
- Senior V.P.: Mr Tait
- V.Ps: Messrs Goodwin, Honeyset, Woodyer, Saymour, McCarthy, Hart, Fleming and G. Welch
- Secretary: R. Gow
- Asst.Sec.: M Richards
- Treasurer: T. Gillard
- Committee: Messrs H Kilpatrick, R. Carlson, A. Sutton, Hoysted, Patterson, C. Laverty
- Captain/Coach: Harry Kilpatrick (replaced by Fred Emslie)
- Vernon Callaghan
- R. Carlson
- Keith Carnall
- M. Croft
- C. Dawkins
- Fred Emslie
- Bob Farrell
- Norman Farrell
J. Farrelly - John Ferguson
- Alan Fraser
- Harry Gaylard
- George Hanley
- Harry Kilpatrick
- Cavan Lalor
- Harold McDonald
- Albert Nowlan
- Bill Oates
- Perrin
- Maurice Richards
- Thomas Rickman
- Ivor Rippon
- P. Sales
- J. Stelling
- Alf Sutton
- Claude Sutton
- Percy Tantau
- Lloyd Thomas
- John Tilyard
- James Watt
- Ivan Wills
- Stanley Yandell
- John Young
The Federal Territory League in 1927 consisted of Acton, Ainslie, Eastlake and Federals. Ainslie played their first game against Acton at Northbourne Oval on Saturday 21 May 1927.
Acton won the game 9.13-67 to Ainslie 6.5-41. The Canberra Times reported on the Ainslie team:
“At this early stage of the season, the majority of their players are very raw. In fact, with but one or two exceptions, it is their first experience of the Australian Rules Code.”
Ainslie selected the following players for the first game:
Rippon, Perrin, Lalor, Farrell, C Sutton, McDonald, A Sutton, Dawkins, Carlson, Kilpatrick (Capt.), Gaylard, Yandell, Thomas, Sales, Richards, Fraser, Farrelly, Young, with reserves McDonald, Wills, Kilpatrick.
The Ainslie Team had their first win in the third round against Federals the reining Premiers. Alan Fraser kicked 4 goals. The Ainslie team for their first ever win was:
H Kilpatrick (Capt.), N Farrell, M Richards, P Sales, A Fraser, K Carnall, Farrelly, F Emslie, Watt, Sutton, P Tantau, Dawkins, R Farrell, Forbes, Oats, Feeby, Gaylard, Reserves: Hooper and Stelling.
Ainslie won their second match against Federals in round 6 winning by 5 points at Northbourne Oval.
Towards the end of the season number fell away and the last round against Federals, Ainslie played 4 short.
Ainslie finished in third position with 2 wins and under the rules of the time played top side Acton in their Semi Final. Acton won by 24 points. Acton went on to defeat Eastlake by 21 points in the Grand Final to win the 1927 Premiership.
Ainslie Season Results
- Rd 1 Ainslie 6.5-41 def by Acton 9.13-67
- Rd 2 Ainslie 5.7-37 def by Eastlake 5.17-47
- Rd 3 Ainslie 8.10-58 def Federals 6.4-40
- Rd 4 Ainslie 7.5-47 def by Acton 11.15-81
- Rd 5 Ainslie 4.10-34 def by Eastlake 17.18-120
- Rd 6 Ainslie 6.12-48 def Federals 6.7-43
- Rd 7 Ainslie 5.6-36 def by Acton 11.3-69
- Rd 8 Ainslie def by Eastlake by a large margin (No score available)
- Rd 9 Ainslie 3.9-27 def by Federals 5.11-41
- No games held for 3 games due to Representative game against Queensland and Sydney.
- Semi Final Ainslie 6.13-49 def by Acton 10.13-73
At the end of the year social medals were awarded to Alan Fraser, Maurice Richards and Robert Farrell.