Ainslie Football Club (AFC) is an associated incorporated association in the ACT. AFC is established under the Constitution “Objects and Rules of Ainslie Football Club Incorporated”.
The objects for which the AFC is established are:
- to foster Australian Football; and
- to regularly participate in a competition of Australian Football.
AFC is run for the benefit of its members, its players and the local community. The Mission of the AFC is to deliver a positive and inclusive environment that develops success on and off the field. AFC Values tradition, respect, inclusion, commitment and integrity.
AFC is governed by a Board of Directors. The Board, (referred to in the Constitution as ‘’the Committee’’) has the role of managing AFC in accordance with its Constitution, the Associations Incorporation Act 1991 (ACT), and other laws. It is responsible for, and has the authority to determine, all matters relating to the strategic direction, policies, practices, management, and financial oversight of AFC. It is required to do all things that may be necessary to be done in order to carry out the objectives of AFC.
The Board’s role and processes are set out In the Board Policy Manual. The Board Policy Manual is the AFC’s corporate governance policy that defines:
- Governance roles of the AFC; and
- Key Director roles and responsibilities.

Mick Cawley,

Sue-Anne McKeough, Senior Vice President

Kendelle Treloar,
Junior President

Alex Mitchell, Vice President

Simon Holt,

Andrew Thompson

Greta Doherty

Greg Bishop

Ian Muir

Kirsten Westaway

Rebecca Kerlett

Annie Reeson,
General Manager

Sebastian Schob-Wyss,
Junior Football Coordinator