Like most sporting clubs, we rely on support from parents and the community to get kids on the playing field. From time to time, we run activities and events to raise funds for the club, which you are encouraged to support. We use these funds for various purposes, including purchasing player clothing, footballs and other equipment.

In addition, the club operates a Canteen at Reid Oval during the football season. Apart from providing a service to players and supporters, it is a significant fundraising opportunity for the club. The canteen operates on a rotational duty roster, with each team rostered once or twice a season. You can help ensure the canteen’s successful operation by volunteering for duty when it’s your team’s turn.

The club is always on the lookout for sponsors. If you have a business or know of someone who has a business that could benefit from some additional marketing through the club, please don’t hesitate to let us know by emailing Ainslie’s General Manager, Annie Reeson, at