Club Based Information

Club-based information will generally be emailed to you or posted to our website (, Facebook page (, or Instagram Page ( Our website has undergone much-needed updating, and we hope this new and improved version will make information more readily available. We use our Facebook page to convey information such as game cancellations and ground closures. If you’re not already following us on Facebook, we highly recommend that you do so and that you add our website to your favourites.

To help us keep in touch, it is a requirement that you provide a current contact email address as part of your registration application. Please notify us if your email address changes during your time with the club.

In addition to the above, some teams use various apps to communicate. For further information, check with your Team Manager.

Team-Based information

Team-based information will come from your child’s Team Manager and may take the form of an email, text or both. Please ensure you provide your Team Manager with up-to-date contact details at the start of the season.